The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001340119-01
Public Hearings


Pursuant to the Kaua’i County Code Chapter 5A, Article 12.7 (d), on October 8, 2021, the Board of Review will hold a public hearing at 1:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams VIDEO: OR Audio: +1 469-848-0234, Conference ID: 214 200 972# to discuss all complaints/comments properly and timely submitted in accordance with the Notice for Filing Real Property Assessment Complaints published in The Garden Island on September 1, 2021. This complaint/comment process is intended to assist the Board in making recommendations to the Mayor to help improve the County’s process of tax assessment.
All members of the public who timely submit written complaints/comments regarding their property will have an opportunity to provide public testimony.
Please note this public hearing for complaints/comments is intended purely for purposes of gathering information and is separate and distinct from the property tax appeal process. The Board may impose a time limit for each person presenting testimony.

Christopher White, Chairperson

If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, or an interpreter for non-English speaking person, contact Anela Segreti at (808) 241-4917 and as soon as possible. Request made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.

(TGI1340119 9/1/21)