The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001143345-01
Public Notices


(Docket No. 18-CA-PA-26)

Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), Chapter 342B-13 and Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 11-60.1, the Department of Health, State of Hawaii (DOH), is requesting public comments on a DRAFT PERMIT AMENDMENT presently under review for:

Covered Source Permit (CSP) No. 0370-02-C
Application for Significant Modification No. 0370-05
Mid Pac Petroleum, LLC
Nawiliwili Terminal
Petroleum Bulk Loading Terminal
Located At: 3185 Waapa Road, Lihue, Kauai

The DRAFT PERMIT AMENDMENT is described as follows:

The existing Nawiliwili Terminal currently only permits existing Tank Nos. 1, 4, and 9 to store gasoline. The applicant is proposing to also permit existing Tank Nos. 10 through 15 to store gasoline, these tanks currently store diesel or ethanol and are considered to be insignificant activities.

The purpose of this application is to increase the overall diesel storage capacity for the terminal by utilizing existing Tank No. 4 for diesel storage. Tank No. 4 currently stores gasoline, but can also store diesel. Gasoline would then be stored among the smaller, existing Tank Nos. 10 through 15. No other changes to the permit are being proposed.

Tank Nos. 10 through 15 are subject to the following federal regulations:

1. 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Kb – Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced after July 1984.
2. 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart BBBBBB – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Plants, and Pipeline Facilities.

Tank Nos. 10 through 15 potential emissions are as follows:

VOC emissions – 9.26 tpy
HAPs emissions – 0.52 tpy

Potential emissions are based on a maximum throughput of 158,166.67 barrels of gasoline per year for each tank, since the maximum throughput of the petroleum tank truck load rack is 949,000 barrels of gasoline/naphtha per year.

non-confidential supporting materials from the applicant, the permit review summary, and the
DRAFT PERMIT AMENDMENT, is available for public inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., at the following locations:

State of Hawaii
Clean Air Branch
2827 Waimano Home Road #130
Pearl City, Hawaii 96782

Kauai District Health Office, Department of Health
3040 Umi Street, Lihue, Kauai

All comments on the draft permit amendment and any request for a public hearing must be in writing, addressed to the Clean Air Branch at the above address and must be postmarked or received by November 25, 2018.

Any person may request a public hearing by submitting a written request that explains the party’s interest and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. The DOH may hold a public hearing if a hearing would aid in DOH’s decision. If a public hearing is warranted, a public notice for the hearing will be published at least thirty days in advance of the hearing.

Interested persons may obtain copies of the administrative record or parts thereof by paying five cents per page copying costs. Please send written requests to the CIean Air Branch listed above or call Mr. Darin Lum at the Clean Air Branch at (808) 586-4200. Electronic copies of the draft permit and permit review may be found online at

Comments on the draft permit amendment should address, but need not be limited to, the permit conditions and the facility’s compliance with federal and state air pollution laws, including: (1) the National and State Ambient Air Quality Standards; and (2) HRS, Chapter 342B and HAR, Chapter 11-60.1.

DOH will make a final decision on the permit after considering all comments and will send notice of the final decision to each person who has submitted comments or requested such notice.

Bruce Anderson, PH.D.
Director of Health
(TGI1143345 10/26/18)