The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001127035-01
Public Notices



To all interested Agencies, Groups & Persons:

Notice is hereby given that the following change constitutes a substantial amendment to the 5-Year Consolidated Plan 2015-2020 for the referenced fiscal year’s Fourth Program Year Annual Action Plan. The proposed substantial amendment is to reallocate unexpended Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program income funds from an existing project to the following activity:

Project: Kalena Park Rehabilitation

Action Plan: Program Year 2018

Description: Rehabilitate the basketball court, restroom and make improvements for the use and accessibility of the park located in a low- to moderate-income area neighborhood.

Funding: Community Development Block Grant (grant funds and PI)

Amendment: Provide unexpended program income funds to improve the use and accessibility.

Original Funding: $132,304.00

Additional Funding: $163,571.90

Revised Funding Amt: $295,875.90

The Housing Agency receives CDBG funds through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All interested persons who wish to comment on the proposed amendment may do so in writing to the Kaua’i County Housing Agency, 4444 Rice Street, Pi’ikoi Building, Suite 330, Lihu’e, Hawai’i 96766, Attn: Kerri Barros. A 30-day comment period starts on Tuesday, August 28, 2018. Any written comments received by Wednesday, September 26, 2018, will be considered.

By Order of the Mayor

County of Kaua’i

Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.


(TGI1127035 8/27/18)