- To all interested Agencies, Groups & Persons:
- In accordance with 24 CFR 570.201(f), Interim Assistance and the County’s Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) notice is hereby given that Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds have been used to assist with disaster recovery efforts caused by extensive damage from the rain and flooding of April 15, 2018 whereby an emergency declaration was issued by the governor for the island. CDBG revolving loan funds (RLF) and grant funds (EN) have been reprogrammed from completed PY16 projects that had a remaining balance to the following existing, eligible activity under the Urgent Need national objective:
- Project: Anahola Clubhouse Rehabilitation
- Action Plan: Program Year 2016
- Description: Rehabilitate the basketball court, baseball field, playground and parking lot at the Anahola Clubhouse to improve the use and accessibility for resident families of the low- to moderate-income area and extend the life of the park facility.
- Funding: Community Development Block Grant (RLF)
- Urgent Need: Remediate severe erosion.
- Original Funding: $645,000.00
- Reprogram Amount: $ 38,186.00 ($250.00-EN; $37,936.00-RLF)
- TOTAL FUNDING: $683,186.00
- The Housing Agency receives CDBG funds through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CPP can be found in the Consolidated Plan 2015-2020 and is available at
www.kauai.gov/housing. For more information, contact Kerri Barros, CDBG Coordinator, 241-4435 or kbarros@kauai.gov.
- By Order of the Mayor
- County of Kaua’i
- Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.
- Mayor
- Publish Date: June 25, 2018
- (TGI1107950 6/25/18)