The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001245634-01
Public Hearings

DOCKET NO. R172.1-11-19 and R175.1-11-19


The State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Adult Mental Health Division is CANCELLING the Public Hearings of proposed repeal of Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Title 11, Chapter 172 Certification and Reimbursement of Mental Health Rehabilitation Services Providers and adoption of HAR 11 – 172.1 and the repeal of HAR 11-175, Mental Health and Substance Abuse System and adoption of HAR 11-175.1, Mental Health and Substance Use System.

The CANCELLATION will allow the Department to further review these rules.

The Public Hearing was to be held on Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., and notice was published in the Star Advertiser, West Hawaii Today, Hawaii Herald Tribune, The Garden Island, and Maui News on October 20, 2019. You may call (808) 586-4770 if you have any questions.
Bruce S. Anderson, Ph.D.
Director of Health
State of Hawaii
(SA/HTH/WHT/TGI1245634 11/13/19)