The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001104873-01
Public Hearings


Pursuant to chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Health of the State of Hawaii will hold a public hearing on the repeal of title 11, chapter 11, Hawaii Administrative Rules ("HAR”), entitled "Sanitation".

Chapter 11-11, HAR, consists of sections regulating a variety of subjects generally related to the maintenance of “sanitary conditions” for the protection of the public health. The repeal of chapter 11-11, HAR, is necessary so that the provisions in chapter 11-11 which govern subjects satisfactorily covered elsewhere in state law do not conflict with those other rules, and the provisions which are inconsistent with DOH’s more contemporary public health strategy do not distract from those essential functions.

Chapter 11-11 covers the following topics: Barber shops and Beauty Parlors; Massage establishment; Public Laundries; Livestock, poultry, and stables; Garbage and swill; Vegetables; Minimum sanitary facilities; Cleanliness of buildings; and Penalties.

A public hearing will be held on the Island of Oahu on

Monday, July 16, 2018 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Environmental Health Services Division
Food Safety Education Room
99-945 Halawa Valley St., Aiea

Copies of the rules can be obtained as follows:

A copy of the rules to be repealed, HAR chapter 11-11, will be mailed to any person who requests a copy and pays in advance for the copy and postage. Requests may be made by writing to the Sanitation Branch at the address below or by calling (808) 586-8000.

Sanitation Branch
Department of Health
99-945 Halawa Valley St.
Aiea, Hawaii 96701

A copy of HAR chapter 11-11 to be repealed will be e-mailed at no cost to any one requesting a copy.

The HAR chapter 11-11 may be reviewed in person from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the following locations:

1. Oahu: Sanitation Branch
Department of Health
99-945 Halawa Valley St.
Aiea, Hawaii 96701
Phone: (808) 586-8000

2. Kauai: Environmental Health Services
Kauai District Health Office
3040 Umi Street, 2nd Floor
Lihue, Kauai
Phone: (808) 241-3323

3. Maui: Environmental Health Services
Department of Health
State Office Building, Room 300
54 High Street
Wailuku, Maui
Phone: (808) 984-8230

4. Hawaii: Environmental Health Services
Department of Health
1582 Kamehameha Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii
Phone: (808) 933-0917;

and: Sanitation Branch
Department of Health
Keakealani Building
79-1020 Haukapila Street, Room 115
Kealakekua, Hawaii
Phone: (808) 322-1507

5. Internet: or department-of-health-administrative-rules-title-11 or rules/proposed-changes

Copies of the proposed rules are also available for review at the local public libraries.

Interested parties are invited to attend and to state their views on the proposed amendments to rule. Oral testimony will be limited to 3 minutes.

Written statements are recommended and may be submitted at the public hearings or to the Sanitation Branch at the previously noted Aiea address any time prior to close of business on Monday, July 23, 2018.

Any person desiring to attend the hearing who may require special accommodations (i.e., taped materials or sign language interpreter) may request assistance provided such a request is made ten working days prior to the scheduled hearing. This request may be made by writing to the Sanitation Branch at the previously noted Honolulu address or by calling (808) 586-8000 or Text Telephone (TTY) Users Dial 1-711 or 643-8833.

State of Hawaii
Department of Health
Bruce S. Anderson, Ph.D.
Director of Health
(TGI1104873 6/10/18)