Pursuant to HRS chapter 91 and other applicable laws, notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1400, Director’s Conference Room, 235 S. Beretania Street, Honolulu, HI. The hearing is being held to allow public comment on proposed amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Title 14, Subtitle 6, entitled "State of Hawaii PTS Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan (for Part-Time, Temporary, Seasonal/Casual Employees)". The proposed amendments amend HAR chapters 14-56 (General Provisions) and 14-59 (Plan Provisions). The proposed amendments include technical and non-substantive revisions and the significant changes are summarized as follows:
1. Section 14-56-1 (a) and (b) is amended to include a reference to the counties’ participation in the Plan.
2. Section 14-56-2 is amended to:
a. Include a definition of "county";
b. Include counties in the definition of "employer";
c. Include appropriate employees of the county in the definition of "part-time, temporary, seasonal/casual employee" or "employee"; and
d. Clarify the definition of "plan".
3. Section 14-59-1(b)(9) is amended to clarify that the listed exclusion also applies to employees of the county;
4. Section 14-59-17 is amended to clarify that the employer-employee relationship as referenced in the section on distribution for amounts less than or equal to $3500.00 also applies to employment with the county; and
5. Section 14-59-23 is amended to clarify that the employer-employee relationship as referenced in the section on distribution for amounts greater than $3500.00 also applies to employment with the county.
A copy of the complete set of proposed amendments can be downloaded from DHRD’s website at or reviewed in person at the address below between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; Monday through Friday, except holidays. Copies may also be obtained from the below office or via regular mail upon payment of photocopying and postage handling fees. To request a hard copy, write to DHRD at the address below or call (808) 587-1050.
All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in writing, at the time of hearing. All persons wishing to submit written testimony are requested to submit five (5) copies of their written testimony by Tuesday, November 7, 2017 to DHRD’s Employee Assistance Office at the address printed below. Any person who has special needs may request special accommodation by writing to DHRD at the address below or by calling (808) 587-1050 by November 7, 2017.
Please send any written testimony and requests for the proposed amendments or accommodations to: Department of Human Resources Development, Employee Assistance Office, 235 S. Beretania Street, Room 1004, Honolulu, HI 96813.
Director, Department of Human Resources Development
(TGI1035914 10/6/17)