The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001210734-01
Notices of Permit issuance


The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) is making available for review the permit application and the draft solid waste management renewal and modification permit for the continued operation and lateral expansion of Kekaha Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill, Phase II. The permit applicants are the County of Kauai, Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division, 4444 Rice Street, Suite 295, Lihue, Hawaii 96766; and Waste Management of Hawaii, Inc. (WMH), PO Box 1259, 6900-D Kaumualii Highway, Kekaha, Hawaii 96752. The draft permit will allow the applicants to continue operations and to expand Phase II of the landfill by approximately 6.6 acres and will utilize the area between the current Phase II landfill and the closed Phase I landfill. This expansion area is known as Cell 2. Based on current disposal rates, the County anticipates that the proposed Cell 2 Expansion will provide approximately 7.5 years of additional capacity. The maximum elevation of the Phase II landfill will remain at 120 feet mean sea level. The draft permit will also allow the applicants to continue operations of a materials drop-off facility (MDOF) for the collection of residential waste and recyclables. The permit’s expiration date will be five years after permit issuance.
The draft permit has been prepared under the provisions of Chapter 342H, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and Title 11, Chapter 58.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). Federal solid waste regulations, 40 CFR Part 258, are generally incorporated into state regulations, and state regulations are no less stringent than federal regulations.
Kekaha MSW Landfill is an existing MSW landfill located at 6900-D Kaumualii Highway, Kekaha, TMK (4) 1-2-002:001, 009 (portion). The existing Phase II landfill is approximately 38.5 acres. The Phase II landfill has been in operation since October 9, 1993, when the Phase I landfill ceased operations and was closed with a final cover system. The Phase II landfill shall be constructed, operated, and monitored with an approved liner and leachate system, gas and groundwater monitoring programs, surface water management system, and other approved operational programs.
The landfill may accept MSW, construction and demolition solid waste, and certain designated special wastes from public and private collection companies, and residential and commercial self-haulers. MSW includes household waste, commercial waste, and industrial waste as defined by HAR 11-58.1-03. The landfill will not accept for disposal regulated hazardous or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) wastes, bulk liquids, whole tires, green waste (over a specific amount per load), white goods, vehicles, and other waste specified in the draft permit and/or applicant’s application. The MDOF will accept select residential recyclables, such as green waste, tires, white goods, used oil, cardboard and newspaper for recycling.
Interested parties may review the permit application and draft permit online at, or at the Kauai District Health Office, 3040 Umi Street, Lihue (phone: 808-241-3323) during normal business hours.
All written comments should be submitted to the DOH, Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch via email to or by mail to 2827 Waimano Home Road, #100, Pearl City, Hawaii, 96782 (phone: 808-586-4226). The 30-day comment period will begin Friday, June 28, 2019, publication date of this Notice of Draft Permit. The DOH will accept written comments until Monday, July 29, 2019. A public hearing on the draft permit and application may be scheduled should comments warrant it. The DOH will respond to all comments received, with copies forwarded to the County of Kauai and WMH. The DOH may revise the draft permit conditions should comments raise significant issues.
(TGI1210734 6/28/19)