DECEMBER 31, 2018
This notice is to inform COUNTY OF KAUA’I real property owners that the filing deadline for appealing the 2019 real property assessment is on December 31, 2018.
A notice of property assessment showing the general land classification of the property, the total assessed value of the land and buildings, if any, and the amount of the exemptions allowed on the property, if any, will be mailed by December 1, 2018, to real property owners. Phone the assessment division at (808) 241-4224 or write to 4444 Rice Street, Suite A-454, Lihu’e, HI 96766, if you do not receive a notice by December 15, 2018.
Owners are encouraged to read both sides of the notice and review the tax classification, assessed valuation of the property and the amount of the exemption if any. If you are aggrieved by any or all of the grounds for appeal listed below you may file an appeal by December 31, 2018, with the COUNTY OF KAUA’I, BOARD OF REVIEW at 4444 Rice Street, Suite A-454, Lihu’e , HI 96766 or TAX APPEAL COURT at 777 Punchbowl, Honolulu, HI 96813. Prior to filing you are encouraged to discuss the matter with the appraisers.
Contact the assessment division or visit our website at “” for BOARD OF REVIEW appeal forms and filing information. Contact the TAX APPEAL COURT for tax appeal court filing information and forms.
If you file an appeal with the TAX APPEAL COURT, you shall serve a copy of the appeal to the assessment division at the time of the TAX APPEAL COURT filing.
A $25 (U.S.) deposit fee for each owner-occupied or $75 (U.S.) deposit fee for each non-owner-occupied shall be paid for each appeal to the BOARD OF REVIEW. For regular procedure appeals of the TAX APPEAL COURT, the fee is 5 percent of the taxes in dispute but not less than $5 (U.S.) or more than $100 (U.S.). The filing fee is $3 (U.S.) for a small claims procedure of the TAX APPEAL COURT.
Separate appeals shall be filed for each general land class of a parcel.
In filing an appeal, you shall state the reason for the appeal. The ordinance states that a person shall not be deemed aggrieved by an assessment, nor shall an assessment be lowered or an exemption allowed, unless there is shown:
1. The assessment of the property exceeds by more than fifteen percent (15%) the ratio of assessment to market value.
2. There is a lack of uniformity or inequity resulting from the use of illegal assessment methods or an error in the application of the methods.
3. Denial of an exemption to which you are entitled for which all requirements are met.
4. Illegal or unconstitutional methods used to arrive at the assessment.
5. Use Tax Classification: Owner believes the property should be classified as: _______________
An automatic second appeal will be granted if the 2018 appeal is not settled by December 31, 2018 and this year’s assessed value of the property is the same as last year’s assessment.
If any of the above conditions are NOT met and you disagree with the 2019 assessed value, you must re-file an appeal by December 31, 2018.
(TGI1153716 12/19/18)