The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001139735-01
Legal Notices

Legal Notice

As authorized by §204(a)(2), Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended, and Chapter 171-54, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) invites your written application(s) for two (2) separate Land License(s) for Feral Cattle Removal on DHHL Aina Mauna lands located in Humuula and Piihonua, Island of Hawaii.

Issuance of two (2) separate Land Licenses will be based on Comparative Evaluation Criteria listed in two (2) separate Applications for Land License.

1. RFP -019-HHL-002, Aina Mauna Feral Cattle Removal Project, Piihonua Section Portion of TMK (3) 3-026-018:002, approximately 5,690 acres
2. RFP-019-HHL-003, Aina Mauna Feral Cattle Removal Project, Humuula Section TMK (3) 3-008-001:002; portion of TMK (3) 3-008-001:007, approximately 14,315 acres

A copy of either or both Application(s) for Land License can be downloaded at the DHHL website: under Divisions, LMD, Other Projects and Requests. It may also be obtained by calling (808) 933-3480 or by writing to DHHL, Land Management Division at 160 Baker Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii 96720.

Written Applications must be received by DHHL no later than 2 p.m. on Monday, December 3, 2018, addressed to DHHL, Land Management Division, 160 Baker Avenue Hilo Hawaii 96720, Attention: Feral Cattle Removal Project.

This Legal Notice is authorized by and may be cancelled, postponed, modified or continued from time to time by public announcement to that effect by Jobie M. K. Masagatani, Chairman, Hawaiian Homes Commission

Date: Honolulu, Hawaii 10/2/18

State of Hawaii
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

Jobie M. Masagatani, Chairman
Hawaiian Homes Commission
(SA/TGI/HTH/WHT1139735 10/10/18)