The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001422131-01
Public Notices


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Kauai County Housing Agency (KCHA), pursuant to Chapter 17 of its Administrative Plan and Federal regulations at 24 CFR 983 announces the solicitation to property owners of existing rental properties to apply for participation in the Kauai County Housing Agency’s Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program. The PBV Program is a component of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program funded by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).

Under the PBV Program, a Public Housing Authority (PHA) can allocate up to 20 percent of its voucher assistance to specific housing units if the owner agrees to either rehabilitate or construct the units, or the owner agrees to set aside a portion of the units in an existing development. All units must meet HUD housing quality standards. Under the PBV Program, a PHA enters into an assistance contract with the owner for specified units and for a specified term. The PHA refers families from its waiting list to the project owner to fill vacancies. Because assistance is tied to the unit, a family who moves from the project-based unit does not have any right to continued housing assistance. However, they may be eligible for a tenant-based voucher under HCV when one becomes available. Rents in the PBV Program are set based upon market comparables of similar units in the project and surrounding vicinity and may not exceed 110 percent of the HUD-published existing housing fair market rents.

Applicants for the PBV Program shall be an owner of existing affordable rental developments or projects with at least one year of experience in ownership and/or management of said developments or projects. For purposes of the PBV Program, “existing affordable rental developments or projects” are such housing units or properties that are already constructed and have tenants residing in individual rental units on premises. The selected application(s) will be chosen based on highest ranking property with the greatest need and which most effectively addresses that need based on response received within the submitted application packet. The selected applicant(s) will be required to be in Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) clearance if receiving over $25,000 in contract awards.

KCHA estimates that up to Twenty (20) units in the County of Kauai will be assisted under this funding availability for the purposes of the PBV Program. To respond to this solicitation, all interested applicants are required to complete and submit a PBV application from KCHA. The PBV application is available for download at or may be requested via mail by contacting the HCV Program Manager at (808) 241-4440, between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday through Thursday, except for legal holidays.

The application deadline for this solicitation is 4:00PM HST on August 23, 2023.

Questions, comments or requests for additional information may be directed to Jennifer Toguchi, Program Manager at; via phone at (808) 241-4440; or by mail at 4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihue, HI 96766.

Accommodations for persons with disabilities, persons requesting auxiliary aides or materials in a different format and interpreters for non-English speaking citizens will be available upon written request by contacting Jennifer Toguchi at (808) 241-4440.

Adam Roversi
Housing Director
Kauai County Housing Agency

(TGI1422131 7/8, 7/15, 7/22/23)