The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001317374-01
Public Notices


Notice is hereby given that the Kaua’i County Housing Agency (KCHA) will hold a video teleconference public hearing on the Consolidated Plan 2020-2025, second program year, draft Annual Action Plan (AAP) 2021 and proposed projects that have been recommended for anticipated funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Pursuant to 24 CFR 91, the public hearing is to afford citizens the opportunity to provide written or oral comments to the draft AAP 2021 and proposed projects. The hearing will be held on:

Monday, March 22, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Registration and connectivity: anyone interested in attending the Microsoft Teams video teleconference must register with the Housing Agency at least one (1) hour prior to the hearing by sending an email to or by calling (808) 241-4444, and providing your name, telephone number, and email address. A link to the video teleconference will be emailed to you following your registration.


a. Hale Ho’omalu Family Center Expansion Renovations Project (Ph. 1) $ 176,760.00
(CFS Real Property, Inc.)
Rehabilitate and make ADA improvements to enhance and expand the
facility that supports family
programs, services and community activities
that directly benefit low- to moderate-income individuals,
households and families.

b. Kealaula at Pua Loke Photovoltaic Project $ 322,164.00
(Women in Need)
Purchase and install a photovoltaic system to improve energy efficiency and decrease
utility costs for the rental housing project for families transitioning out of homelessness.

c. Laukona Park Improvements $ 562,283.00
(County of Kaua’i, Department of Parks and Recreation)
Provide ADA accessibility and expand recreational opportunities for youth and
residents of a low- to moderate-income area neighborhood.

d. Administration $ 140,682.00
(Kaua’i County Housing Agency)
General program administration, project implementation, compliance
monitoring, evaluation, record-keeping and reporting.


KCHA anticipates receiving $703,412.00 from HUD for the CDBG PY 2021 annual allocation and will utilize $498,477.00 from unexpended PY19 and PY20 grant funds and/or program income. Should there be an increase or decrease in the actual allocation amount, the lowest ranked project will be adjusted accordingly.

To ensure the performance of the County of Kaua’i’s CDBG program in meeting timeliness regulations at 24 CFR 570.902, should any of the projects listed above not proceed as represented in the CDBG applications, the following alternate project may be funded as long as the project is ready to proceed and will comply with CDBG regulatory requirements:

a. Homeownership Education and Counseling Project $ 26,000.00
(Hawaiian Community Assets, Inc.)
Conduct HUD-certified homebuyer education workshops and counseling to
first-time homebuyers in order to increase financial capacity to purchase
homes and prevent foreclosure.

The public is advised that the County of Kaua’i may exercise the option to incur pre-award costs for projects in its PY 2021 budget pursuant to 24 CFR 570.200(h) to assist with compliance of CDBG timeliness regulations. Non-CDBG funds used for pre-award costs will be reimbursed upon receipt of CDBG PY 2021 funds from HUD. Should any CDBG funds become available from cancelled or completed projects, or by receipt of program income or revolving funds, such funds may be reprogrammed to any open Action Plan project in accordance with the requirements of the County’s Citizen Participation Plan and prior approval from HUD.

The draft AAP 2021 is available for review at: Written comments may be submitted via email to or via U.S. mail to: Kaua’i County Housing Agency, 4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihu’e, Hawai’i 96766, Attn: Kerri Barros. The 30-day comment period will commence on March 6, 2021. All comments received by April 4, 2021 will be considered in preparing the final AAP 2021.

Closed captioning services will be provided for the video teleconferencing hearing. If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodations due to a disability, call 241-4444 or email as soon as possible, preferably ten (10) days prior to the meeting date. If a response is received after that, we will try to obtain the auxiliary aid/service or accommodation, but we cannot guarantee that the request will be fulfilled. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.

By order of the Mayor
County of Kaua’i
Derek S.K. Kawakami

(TGI1317374 3/5/21)