The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001304172-01
Public Notices

Kaua’i County Housing Agency
Legal Public Notice for Public Comment
Draft Substantial Amendment to Annual Action Plan PY19
Draft Amendment to Annual Action Plan PY20

In accordance with 24 CFR 91.05(c)(2) and subpart B of the federal regulations relative to citizen participation for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and other Community Planning and Development Programs under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and applicable waivers made available to those requirements through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Public Law 116-136, the Kaua’i County Housing Agency (KCHA) gives notice of the following changes to the Annual Action Plan (AAP).

The first proposed amendment constitutes a substantial amendment to AAP PY19. Under the CARES Act, KCHA will receive $677,028.00 from a special allocation of CDBG Coronavirus, third round, CDBG-CV3 grant funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19). KCHA proposes to use funds to facilitate assistance to eligible communities, households, and persons economically impacted by COVID-19. The following project is proposed:

Project: Project Hiehie Kaua’i – $541,622.00
Organization: Project Vision Hawai’i
Description: Bring mobile health, hygiene and vital support services to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 for low- to moderate income individuals or families experiencing homelessness.

Project: CDBG-CV Administration – $135,406.00
Organization: Kaua’i County Housing Agency
Description: General program administration, project implementation and oversight, compliance monitoring, evaluation, record-keeping and reporting.

The second proposed amendments are to the AAP PY20 to correct the CDBG allocation amount and add unexpended CDBG PY19 funds to a current CDBG PY20 project:

AAP PY20 HUD Allocation: $702,854.00
AAP PY20 HUD Corrected Allocation: $703,412.00
Description: HUD announced a correction to the formula allocation resulting in an increase of $558.00. Additionally, KCHA will add $399.00 in program income funds/revolving loan funds for a total of $957.00 to CDBG PY20 admin funds in order to account for the shortage originally identified in the initial allocation.

Project: KEO Shelter Support Services Improvement and Rehabilitation
Organization: Kaua’i Economic Opportunity, Inc.
Original CDBG PY20 Funding: $38,240.00
Additional CDBG PY19 Funding: $ 650.15
Revised Funding Amount: $38,890.15
Description: Add unexpended CDBG PY19 funds from the completed project, KEO Meals on Wheels Vehicle Purchase to KEO’s CDBG PY20 project.

The draft substantial amendment to the AAP PY19 and draft amendment to AAP20 is available for review on our website at Pursuant to the Supplementary Emergency Proclamation dated March 16, 2020, issued by Governor David Y. Ige, for social distancing practices, and federal CDBG-CV waivers, KCHA will forego a public hearing. The public is invited to provide written comment on the proposed amendments which can be emailed to by
4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 27, 2020. All written comments will be considered in preparing the final amendments.

If you need other accommodations due to a disability, contact Chong 241-4444 or email as soon as possible. Upon request, the amendments are available in alternate formats, such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.

By order of the Mayor
County of Kauai
Derek S.K. Kawakami

(TGI1304172 11/20/20)