TO: Defendants Unknown heirs or assigns of KAHUIHUI (k); Unknown heirs or assigns of KALA (k); Unknown heirs or assigns of KAMOKU (w); Unknown heirs or assigns of IAPETA KAMALENUI (k) also known as (“a.k.a.”) J. KAMALENUI (k) a.k.a. KAMALENUI (k); Unknown heirs or assigns of KANEALII (w); Unknown heirs or assigns of KEAWE (k) a.k.a. KEAWE O HAWAII (k) a.k.a. KEAWAIHAWAII (k); Unknown heirs or assigns of G. W. KAONA (k); Unknown heirs or assigns of SINCLAIR ROBINSON; Unknown heirs or assigns of ROLAND L. GAY a.k.a. ROLAND KAPAHUKANIOLONO GAY a.k.a. ROLAND GAY SR.; Unknown heirs or assigns of MARY W. GAY a.k.a. MARY WELLS GAY a.k.a. MARY S. GAY; CATHERINE C. LEGGE a.k.a. CATHERINE GAY LEGGE BLASKO; Unknown heirs or assigns of ROLAND L. GAY, JR.; Unknown heirs or assigns of ALETHA G. KAOHI, Trustee of the Aletha G. Kaohi Living Trust dated September 5, 2008; ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; and all unknown persons claiming an interest in the real property described in the Complaint,
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Plaintiffs LEONARD M. LEGGE a.k.a. LEONARD MAURICE LEGGE, JR., KATHERINE GAY LEGGE-KELSO a.k.a. CATHERINE G. LEGGE a.k.a. KATHERINE GAY LEGGE BLASKO, and SALLY N. RANTON and DURWOOD J. RANTON, as Trustees of the Ranton Joint Revocable Living Trust Dated March 17, 2020 as amended (collectively “Plaintiffs”), have filed a complaint in the Fifth Circuit Court, State of Hawaii, Civil No. 5CCV-24-0000048, to quiet the title to that certain parcel of land (being portions of the lands described in Royal Patent No. 4475, Land Commission Award No. 7713, Apana 42 to V. Kamamalu; Royal Patent No. 8077, Land Commission Award No. 11217 to KAHUIHUI; Land Commission Award No. 6273, Apana 2 to KALA and; Land Commission Award No. 6308 to Kamoku), being Lots B, C, D and E, situated at Kikiaola, District of Waimea, Island and County of Kauai, State of Hawaii, bearing Tax Key Map No. (4) 1-6-001-043.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the courtroom of the Honorable Randal G. B. Valenciano, Judge of the Fifth Circuit, in his courtroom at Pu’uhonua Kaulike Building, 3970 Ka’ana Street, Lihue, Hawai`i, 96766 on January 30, 2025 at 1:00 p.m., or to file an answer or other pleading with the Court and serve it before said day upon Plaintiffs’ attorney, W. Keoni Shultz, whose address is Cades Schutte LLP, 1000 Bishop Street, Suite 1200, Honolulu, HI 96813. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
DATED: Lihue, Hawai`i, November 6, 2024.
C. Martinez
(TGI1475198 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/24)