Notice is hereby given pursuant to sections 507-65 & 507-66 of Part III self-service storage facilities State of Hawaii that Lawai Cannery Self-Storage will sell by competitive bidding on/after July 31, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., property belonging to those listed below. Auction will be held at 3470 Lauoho Rd., Kalaheo, HI 96741. Property will be sold as follows: Used household goods, furniture, personal items, clothing, electronics, tools, and miscellaneous unknown boxes belonging to the following:
Unit # Tenant Amount Owed
B153 Grewer, Peter $580.91
E190 Hernandez,Richard $570.42
E128 Kamai, Joseph $1,018.54
D116 Kealoha, Davlynn $454.89
B126 Lonsdale, William $1,429.98
C111 Nawai, David $601.33
(TGI1114005 7/13, 7/20/18)