Emergency Repair of State Highways due to Heavy Rains, Flooding and Landslide Damage
(Locations in Northern and Eastern Kauai)
Notice is hereby given that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division, (HDOT) have and will continue to make emergency repairs to State Highways in Northern and Eastern Kaua?i following heavy rains, flooding, and landslides in April 2018. The construction is primarily within the State Highway Right-of-Way, with some work extending beyond the right-of-way at some locations. Due to the size and scale of the efforts, areas of potential effect can be provided for review upon request to HDOT. Repairs vary by location but include debris removal, slope scaling, slope revetment, roadway and slope stabilization, pavement repairs, road reconstruction, and repairs to stream crossings. Bridges for Waikoko Stream, Waipa Stream, and Wai?oli Stream require replacement primarily to allow transport of heavy equipment and materials for the repairs. Repair sites with approximated milepost locations (see map of Kuhio Highway Emergency Repairs):
Ha’ena through Hanalei
1. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), Milepost (MP) 10 at Ke’e State Park: Reconstruct roadway
2. Limahuli Stream Crossing (Route 560), MP 9.55,: Repair concrete section lost in flooding. Resurface entire ford crossing;
3. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 8.87 at Ha’ena Beach Park: Repair roadway shoulder;
4. Manoa Stream Ford Crossing (Route 560), MP 8.76 near Haena Beach Park: Repair the entire crossing;
5. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 6.5 (Repair Site 2): Roadway stabilization area with only 1 lane remaining: Debris removal, slope wall installation including soil nails, foot of slope revetment, guardrail/sign replacement, pavement repair;
6. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), 15 locations or more from MP 6.5 through MP 4.4: Debris removal, slope scaling, slope stabilization, guardrail replacement, pavement repairs;
7. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 5.8: Stockpile area;
8. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 4.5 (Repair Site 1): Roadway stabilization area: Debris removal, slope wall installation including soil nails, foot of slope revetment, guardrail/sign replacement, pavement repair;
9. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 4.4: Stockpile area;
10. Waikoko Bridge (Route 560): Replace existing bridge;
11. Waipa Bridge (Route 560): Replace existing bridge;
12. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 3.7: Staging area;
13. Wai’oli Bridge (Route 560): Replace existing bridge;
14. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 1: Debris removal, slope scaling, guardrail replacement, minor pavement repair;
15. Kuhio Highway (Route 560), MP 0.5: Debris removal;
16. Kuhio Highway (Route 56), MP 25: Debris removal, slope scaling;
17. Kuhio Highway (Route 56), MP 24.9: Debris removal from under bridge, and CRM wall replacement;
18. Wailua Bridge (Route 56): Debris removal from river under bridge.
Typically, a Section 106 consultation is performed in conformance with Section 101(d)(6)(B) of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Amended 2006)(NHPA), which requires that Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHOs) be consulted prior to proceeding with an undertaking. In this case, emergency repairs needed to be performed quickly to ensure public safety in response to a disaster and the fixes are in various stages of completion. HDOT is providing notification of the undertaking and requesting any input regarding the undertaking’s effects on historic properties, committed mitigation measures, and/or review of the associated Memorandum of Agreement in accordance with Section 106 emergency procedures (36 CFR § 800.12(b)(2)).
Kuhio Highway, Route 560, is listed on the State and National Register as the north shore section of Kaua’i Belt Road (SIHP #50-30-03-9396 and NRIS #03001048) with significance under Criteria A and C. Waikoko Stream Bridge (SIHP #50-30-03-2298), Waipa Stream Bridge (SIHP #50-30-2297), and Wai’oli Stream Bridge (SIHP #50-30-03-2296) are listed on the State Register; eligible for listing on the National Register under Criteria A and C; and are contributing features to the Kaua’i Belt Road. FHWA deems the replacement of Waikoko, Waipa, and Wai’oli bridges as an adverse effect to each of the individual historic properties, as well as an adverse effect to the historic Kaua’i Belt Road. To mitigate the impacts of the undertaking, HDOT shall conform new bridge designs to guidelines recommended by the Kuhio Highway Historic Roadway Corridor Plan to the maximum extent practicable. A Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Study is in progress to document the bridges. HDOT and FHWA also reiterate their commitment to bridge preservation on the island of Kauai with a continued focus and furtherance of the Historic Bridge Forum. Other mitigation commitments include archaeological monitoring near the Waikoko, Waipa, and Wai’oli bridges, as well as those areas deemed sensitive by SHPD.
Pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, Native Hawaiian Organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral lineal or cultural ties to, cultural knowledge or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project area are requested to contact Mr. Lawrence Dill, HDOT, (808) 241-3000, 1720 Haleukana Street, Lihue, HI 96766, or email at Please respond by May 18, 2018.