The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001094046-01


A public meeting will be held at the date, time and place shown below to allow members of the public to review and provide comments concerning the construction plans for the Aepo Substation. The schedule for, and subject matter of, the meeting is as follows:


1. Date: Thursday, May 24, 2018

2. Time: 6:00 p.m.

3. Place of
Hearing: Koloa Neighborhood Center
3461 Weliweli Road
Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii 96756

4. Purpose: To allow interested members of the public to review the construction plans for the Aepo Substation and to allow the Applicant an opportunity to solicit input and to mitigate where possible concerns that are raised.

5. Permits: Use Permit U-2018-6 and Class IV Zoning Permit Z-IV-2018-7

6. Applicant: KAUAI ISLAND UTILITY COOPERATIVE, a cooperative association formed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 421C of the Hawaii Revised Statutes


The Planning Commission of the County of Kauai has approved the Application of the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative for the construction and operation of an electrical utility substation (the "Aepo Substation") on certain property ("Subject Property") described as an approximately 2.5 acre portion of a 1,062.291 acre lot located in Koloa and Lawa’i, Kona, Kaua’i, Hawai’i. The Aepo Substation will be located adjacent to a newly approved solar photovoltaic project (the "Solar Project") which will be constructed and operated by AES Lawa’i Solar, LLC ("AES"). AES proposes to sell the electric power generated by the Solar Project to the Applicant. The Aepo Substation will collect the energy produced by the Solar Project and connect it into the Applicant’s island wide electric grid. The Aepo Substation will be developed within a large parcel known as Lot B-1 which contains 1,062.291 acres, is located in Koloa and Lawa’i, Kona, Kauai, Hawaii, and is identified by Kauai Tax Map Key No. (4) 2-6-003:001. The Aepo Substation will be located on an approximately 2.5 acre portion of Lot B-1 referred to as the Subject Property.

Any questions concerning this matter, the construction plans, or the design of the Aepo Substation may be communicated to the Applicant’s Representatives, Max W. J. Graham, Jr. or Michael J. Belles of Belles Graham Proudfoot Wilson & Chun, LLP at:

Address: 4334 Rice Street, Suite 202
Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii 96766

Phone: (808) 246-6962

(TGI1094046 5/9, 5/16/18)