County and Island of Kaua’i
February 8, 2022
Kaua’i County Housing Agency
4444 Rice Street, Suite 330
Lihu’e, HI 96766
This Notice shall satisfy the above-cited two separate but related procedural notification requirements for activities to be undertaken by Kaua’i County Housing Agency.
On or about February 8, 2022, Kaua’i County Housing Agency will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program funds, to undertake a project to construct a multifamily residential development known as the Kai ‘Olino Affordable Housing Development (proposed project) in ‘Ele’ele, County and Island of Kaua’i.
In response to the critical need for affordable housing, Ahe Group is proposing to repurpose a portion of the planned condominiums for affordable housing. Originally part of a larger uncompleted residential project, the project site was partially developed by previous owners for condominiums. While the condominiums were not completed during the original construction, all of the entitlements, investigative reports, and initial construction of the site, including mass clearing and grading, retaining walls, parking pads, roadways, infrastructure and underground utilities (sewer, water, drainage, etc.) were completed. Following the original construction plans, the proposed project would consist of three residential buildings for a total of 75 multi-family housing units, which would provide 48 new affordable rental units for low-income households and 27 new market rate residential units. The affordable housing would accommodate a blend of affordable incomes, as well as serve families and individuals experiencing homelessness.
Of the 48 affordable rental units, 36 units will be two-bedroom unit types and 12 units will be three-bedroom unit types. One of the two-bedroom affordable housing units will be reserved for the onsite manager. Of the 27 market rate units, 20 units will be two-bedroom unit types and 7 will be three-bedroom unit types. In addition to providing much needed affordable housing, the proposed project would provide residents with additional improvements and amenities, including onsite parking, laundry facilities, a manager’s office and maintenance building, bicycle parking, and a covered pavilion recreational area with barbeques and restrooms.
Parking will be provided following County of Kaua’i, Department of Planning requirements. The planned parking area includes a total of 160 parking stalls. The planned parking area includes covered parking for more than half of the stalls. There will be eight handicapped parking stalls (six are van accessible) and ten guest stalls. The project will be ADA compliant and in conformance with the provisions of the ADA standards. The proposed project design includes ADA units with mobility and communication features.
The covered pavilion recreational area would be placed along the ocean side of the property along with a covered, community “front porch” leading out to an additional green space. The covered pavilion recreational area would include barbeques and restrooms.
Additional site enhancements include enhanced landscaping and accessible paths to all amenities. The proposed project will implement water conservation measures to the extent practicable. These may include new low flow plumbing fixtures, drought tolerant plants and/or xeriscaping, and water conservation irrigation systems.
The proposed project includes installation of solar/photovoltaic panels for the project. The project will meet the Hawai’i State Energy Code requirements. Various design strategies will include incorporating natural lighting to illuminate interior spaces, installing energy-efficient mechanical electrical systems to maximize energy savings, installing high-efficiency LED light fixtures and bulbs to save energy, and incorporating architectural design features. In addition, the project site is well located to take advantage of the walkable neighborhood community. The project site can be easily accessed by public transportation via bus, bicycle, walking paths, and sidewalks. The proposed project is pursuing LEED for Homes Platinum Certification.
Adverse impacts from the completed project are not anticipated. The proposed project would help to provide multifamily housing in Kaua’i County. The proposed project would comply with several mitigation measures, primarily related to construction activities (e.g., hazardous materials, biological resources, and cultural resources), including noise control, utilities (water/wastewater), and traffic. Application for permits shall be required prior to the start of construction. The total project cost is estimated to be $22,000,000.
Kaua’i County Housing Agency has determined that the project would have no significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Assessment on file at the Hanapepe Public Library, 4490 Kona Road, Hanapepe, Hawai’i 96716 and Hawaii State Library, 478 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813, and may be examined or copied weekdays, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. or online at:
Any individual, group, or agency disagreeing with this determination or wishing to comment on the project may submit written comments to Kaua’i County Housing Agency, 4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihu’e, HI 96766 or All comments received by February 24, 2022, or fifteen (15) days from the actual date of publication, will be considered by Kaua’i County Housing Agency prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Commenters should specify which part of this Notice they are addressing.
Kaua’i County Housing Agency certifies to HUD that Adam Roversi in his/her capacity as Environmental Coordinator, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities and allows the Kaua’i County Housing Agency to use Program funds.
HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and Kaua’i County Housing Agency’s certification for a period of fifteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the name of Kaua’i County Housing Agency; (b) Kaua’i County Housing Agency has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the development process have committed funds, incurred costs or undertaken activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to HUD at U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, One Sansome Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94104. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.
Adam Roversi, Environmental Coordinator
(TGI1360398 2/14/22)