The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001148010-01
Public Auctions

Island Self-Storage, LLC dba Guardian Self Storage will conduct a public sale of the following units, in accordance with Hawaii statutes H.R.S. 507.61 to 507.72, at 1481 Haleukana St., Lihue, HI 96766 on November 28, 2018 at 9:00 AM. Bidders will need to register prior to the sale, and successful bids shall be paid by cash, with contents to be removed at the time of sale. Contents of units consist of misc. household/business goods, and other items.
Unit# Tenant Amount Owed
3023 Rodriguez, Jennifer $2,148.75
3060 Torres, Christina $ 480.00
5050 Coffman, Carlos $ 262.48
5071 Coffman, Carlos $ 262.48
2090 Pirrotton, William $ 670.40
3184 Enracht, Howie $ 236.36
(TGI1148010 11/18, 11/25/18)