The Maui Planning Commission for the County of Maui hereby gives notice that it will conduct a hearing on January 9, 2018 commencing at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as is practicable in the Planning Department Conference Room, 1st Floor, Kalana Pakui Building, 250 S. High Street, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793 on the following:
MR. GARY FURUTA on behalf of the CATHOLIC CHARITIES HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION requesting a Special Management Area (SMA) Use Permit in order to construct the proposed Kahului Lani Affordable Senior Housing Project including two (2) six-story multi-family residential buildings, a 7,500 square-foot multi-purpose building, parking, and related improvements at 65 South Kane Street. TMK: 3-7-005:003, Kahului, Island of Maui. (SM1 2017/0001) (C. Thackerson)
The project will provide 164 one-bedroom units for rent to seniors who earn 60 percent or less of the County’s median income and one (1) two-bedroom resident manager’s unit. Catholic Charities Hawaii will provide onsite social service case management for residents.
The subject public hearing will be conducted in accordance with the Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Maui County Code and the Rules of the Maui Planning Commission. Information pertaining to the subject application may be obtained from the Maui County Planning Department, 2200 Main Street, Suite 619, Wailuku, Maui.
Petitions to intervene shall be in conformity with Section 12-201-20 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure for the Maui Planning Commission and shall be filed with the Commission and served upon the applicant no less than ten (10) days before the first public hearing date. Filing of all documents to the Commission is c/o the Maui Planning Department, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793. The deadline for the filing of a timely petition to intervene if the first public hearing date is January 9, 2018 is December 22, 2017.
All testimony regarding the subject application may be filed prior to the date of the hearing by providing 15 copies of said written testimony to the Department of Planning or may be presented at the time of the hearing.
Those interested persons requesting accommodation due to disabilities, please call the Department of Planning at (808) 270-7735 or notify the Department of Planning in writing at 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793, or fax number (808) 270-7634 at least six (6) days before the scheduled meeting.
Planning Director
(TGI1054176 12/8/17)