Docket No. 2017-0105
The PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of the STATE OF HAWAII ("Commission") pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") §§ 269-12 and 269-16, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that it will hold public hearings relating to the Application of THE GAS COMPANY, LLC dba HAWAII GAS ("Hawaii Gas"), for Approval of Rate Increases and Revised Rate Schedules and Rules ("Application").
The Commission will hold public hearings as follows:
Thursday, November 30, 2017, 5:00 pm
State Office Building
Conference Room 209 A-C
3060 Eiwa Street
Lihue, Hawaii 96766
The Commission will investigate whether the proposed revenue increases, changes in rate schedules and rules, and other matters proposed in the Application are just and reasonable.
Hawaii Gas seeks approval for an increase in revenues of $14,962,297, or a 14.58% increase over revenues at present rates (consolidated utility basis), based on a total revenue requirement of $117,559,397 and a rate of return of 7.51% (which incorporates a return on equity of 10.50%), for the 2018 Test Year.
According to Hawaii Gas, the proposed change in revenues, by each island, is as follows:
Island Change in Revenues Percentage
Oahu $15,195,520 16.20%
Hawaii $(380,989) -6.10%
Maui $232,115 12.42%
Kauai $(90,593) -14.60%
Molokai $(90) -0.13%
Lanai $6,334 ___________ 28.29%
With respect to Hawaii Gas’ existing base rates, Hawaii Gas states that: (1) the "specific increase (dollars and percentage) by class of service" are set forth in the testimony and exhibits to the Application, and (2) in general, "[t]he average system wide rate increase is 14.73%" and Hawaii Gas’ "proposal is to create a single residential rate for Maui, Lanai, and Molokai and to not have rate decreases for any specific customer class." Hawaii Gas also requests, among other things, approval for various changes to its rate schedules and rules.
At the public hearings, the Commission will receive in-person testimony from the general public regarding the Application and the proposed rate increases and revised rate schedules and rules, pursuant to HRS § 269-16(b).
The purpose of these public hearings is to listen to the views expressed by the general public. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearings to state their views on the Application, orally, in writing, or both. So that all in attendance will have the opportunity to speak at the public hearings, the Commission may impose time limits for each person’s testimony.
In addition, written comments may be mailed to the Commission at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, or sent by electronic mail to Written comments should reference Docket No. 2017-0105, and include the author’s name and the entity or organization that the author represents.
Any motions to intervene or participate in this proceeding must comply with the applicable provisions of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure Before the Public Utilities Commission, Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 6, Chapter 61, and must be filed with the Commission at its Honolulu Office by January 2, 2018.
The foregoing is a summary of the proposals in Hawaii Gas’ Application. The Application is available for public review through the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, at Copies of the Application are also available for review by contacting Hawaii Gas, the Commission’s Kauai District Office [(808) 274-3232] or its Honolulu Office [(808) 586-2020], or the Consumer Advocate [(808) 586-2800].
Special accommodations for persons with disabilities can be made if requested reasonably in advance by contacting the Commission’s Honolulu Office.
Randy Iwase
(TGI1045944 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 11/28/17)