The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001310710-01
Legal Notices



On or about March 5, 2021, the State of Hawaii will authorize the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA) to submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Capital Fund Program (CFP) HI08P001501-20 grant under Title I of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended to undertake any of the following for the following projects.


Hawai`i Island:

1. Pahala, Utility Improvements
Modernize exterior electrical service and replace sewer pipes for five (5) resident buildings.

2. Lanakila Homes, Phases I and II Building improvements
Renovate kitchen and bathrooms.

3. Hale Aloha O Puna, Site and Building Improvements
Renovate Community Center building, 9 residential buildings and site improvements. Work to include but not limited to renovation of the units, roofing, trash/gas enclosures, gas tank, ADA accessible routes, parking lot sealing, striping the parking lot, and ADA signage.


1. Kalihi Valley Homes Modernization Phases 5-9
Modernization of 22 buildings. Work to include hazardous material abatement, roofing, electrical, mechanical, cabinets, flooring, painting, spall repair, sidewalks, parking, site work and underground utilities.

2. Kalihi Valley Homes Community Center and Administration Renovation
Demolition, replacement and renovation of interior and exterior elements of the Administration and Community building. Work to include structural repair, sitework, utilities, bathrooms, cabinetry, ADA conformance, roofing, painting, spall repair, hazardous material abatement and flooring.

3. Makua Ali`i and Paoakalani ADA and Building Improvements
Spall repairs, exterior painting and renovation to ADA units (electrical, plumbing, kitchen, baths, flooring and painting), hazardous materials testing and abatement, accessibility to common areas and building interiors.

4. AMP 34, 35 & 42_Replacement and Maintenance to Ventilation Systems
Upgrade to ventilation systems, hazardous material testing and abatement.

5. Punchbowl Homes, Exterior Repairs, Re-roofing, Site and ADA Improvements
Repair or replacement of CMU screen walls, sidewalks, walkways and roofs. Work to include crack and spall repair, exterior painting, hazardous material abatement, landscaping parking areas, trash areas, and ADA upgrades (28 units, sidewalks, walkways, parking and common areas).

6. Kalanihuia and Makamae Re-roofing and Repairs
Replacement and repair of roofing system at Kalanihuia and Makamae; replacement of the wood structure over the exterior community space and mailboxes at Makamae; painting, patching, and related repairs to exterior and interior areas affected by demolition, reroofing, new construction, installation of fall protection anchorages, and previous water damage; ceiling and soffit repair, and replacement of light fixtures and electrical devices damaged by water from roof leaks.

7. Ho`okipa Kahalu`u Exterior and ADA improvements
Renovation to create 6 ADA units to includes electrical, mechanical, kitchens, baths, cabinets, and flooring. Work to also include repairs to exterior siding, gutters, accessible routes, common areas, hazardous material testing and abatement. Work also includes improvement to site drainage, re-pavement and fencing.

8. Palolo Valley Homes Modernization Phase 4
Modernization of Buildings 5 thru 9. Work to include hazardous material abatement, roofing, electrical, mechanical, cabinets, flooring, painting, spall repair, sidewalks, site work and underground utilities.

9. Waipahu I & II Spall & Building Repairs
Spall repairs, roofing, solar hot water repair/replacement and exterior paint.

10. AMP 44 – Security Improvements at Waimaha/Sunflower, Kaui`okalani, Ma`ili I, Ma`ili II and Nanakuli
Repair/replace fencing install security cameras, repair/replace/install site lighting and remove/prune trees.

11. AMP 33 – Upgrade to Water Heating Systems at Ka`ahumanu Homes and Kamehameha Homes
Replace existing tank type water heaters, waterpipes, gas pipes and pipe insulation.

12. Security Upgrades to Kalanihuia (HA 1024) and Pumehana (HA 1047)
Security upgrades, including, but not limited to, intercom system; security lights and cameras; doors and gates; painting; and asbestos containing material and lead based paint abatement.

13. Replacement of Stairs at Spencer House
Demolition of existing stairs, concrete repair at stair openings, installation of new stair system, including railings and coating of new stair treads and openings, lead base paint removal from and painting of, pipes at parking level.

14. Kupuna O`Wailua
Demolition and disposition of 40 units in 20 buildings and 1 Community Building.

15. Salt Lake Apartments Phase IIB
Exterior Ramp, ADA van parking, laundry room renovations, doorbells VHI units, louvers and drain trench around elevator 2.

16. AMP 35 – Upgrade to the Fire Alarm System at Punchbowl Homes
Fire alarm system upgrade to meet current fire code.

17. AMP 35 – Upgrade to the Trash Chute System at Kalanihuia
Trash chute system upgrade to meet current building, accessibility, and fire codes.

18. AMP 34 & 35 – Building Fire and Life Safety Compliance
Design a system based on the recommendations for compliance with C&C Ordinance 18-14 Fire Safety Requirements


1. `Ele`ele Homes Building and Site Improvements Project
Renovation of 24 units – Work to include plumbing, electrical, painting, cabinets, flooring bathroom and kitchen fixtures, electrical and mechanical upgrades, roofing, grading for erosion control, exterior lighting, parking area upgrades, site utility upgrades, repair of damaged walkways, accessibility work, fencing work and hazmat abatement.

2. Kapa`a Modernization Project
Renovation of 36 units, community center and storage yard – Work to include plumbing, electrical, painting, cabinets, flooring bathroom and kitchen fixtures, electrical and mechanical upgrades, roofing, grading for erosion control, exterior lighting, parking area upgrades, site utility upgrades, repair of damaged walkways, accessibility work, fencing work and hazmat abatement.

3. Upgrade to Electrical Meters and Service Boxes at Kapaa HA 1018
Replace existing electrical meters to 18 building (36 units) and roof repair


1. Pi`ilani Homes Site and Building Improvements
Work includes interior renovations (painting, kitchens and baths, electrical, mechanical and flooring), exterior painting, sidewalks, sitework, parking lot, ADA unit conversions and community center upgrades.

2. Kahekili Terrace ADA and Unit Improvements
Renovation to ADA units to include kitchens, baths, cabinets, plumbing and electrical. In addition, a
complete renovation of a burn unit to include electrical, plumbing, cabinets, drywall, flooring and painting.

3. Kahekili Terrace Environmental Remediation
Hazardous material remediation of soil.

4. Kahale Mua (Federal) – Utility Improvements
Modernize exterior electrical service; replace interior gas pipes.

5. Kahale Mua (Federal) – Drainage Improvements
Drainage improvements to prevent erosion.

Funds for HI08P001501-20 are available in the amount of $13,799,958.00

The activities proposed are categorically excluded under the HUD regulations 24 CFR Part 58 from the National Environmental Policy Act requirements. Environmental Review Records (ERR) that document the environmental determinations for these projects are on file and may be examined on the HPHA website: or by US mail. Please submit your request by U.S. mail to Hawaii Public Housing Authority, Construction Management Branch, 1002 North School Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 or by email to

A copy of any of the listed project’s ERR may be requested by calling (808) 832-5896.


Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the HPHA. All comments received by January 25, 2021 (seven (7) calendar days) will be considered by the State of Hawaii prior to submission of a request for release of funds.


The State of Hawaii certifies to the HUD that the Honorable David Y. Ige, in his capacity as the Governor of the State of Hawaii, has consented to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities will be satisfied. The HUD’s acceptance of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and allows the HPHA to use Program funds.


Mr. Jesse Wu, Director, Office of Public Housing, Honolulu Field Office at (808) 457-4668, will accept objections to its release of funds and the State of Hawaii’s certification for a period of 15 calendar days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if it is based upon one of the following: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the State of Hawaii; (b) the State of Hawaii has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by the HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to the HUD by email at Potential objectors should contact the HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.

David Y. Ige
Governor, State of Hawaii
(TGI1310710 1/15/21)