The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001448124-01
Notices of Availability

Notice of Availability

Joint Flight Campaign
Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the United States Department of the Army (U.S. Army), with assistance from the Department of the Navy (Navy) Strategic Systems Programs, the U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office and the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command, have completed a Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA), prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

In 2022 the Navy and the U.S. Army completed an EA/OEA that analyzed potential environmental impacts from launch at the Sandia National Laboratories/Kauai Test Facility Launch Pad 42 (Kaua’i, Hawaii), over-ocean vehicle flight in the Pacific Ocean, booster splashdown in the Pacific Broad Ocean Area, and payload impact in the Pacific Broad Ocean Area. A Finding of No Significant Impact was signed on April 14, 2022. This Final Supplemental Joint Flight Campaign (JFC) EA/OEA provides additional analysis for new launch locations at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) and the Pacific Spaceport Complex Alaska (PSCA) for the up to six joint test operations per year until 2032. The proposed JFC joint test operations evaluated in the Supplemental EA/OEA include the options to (1) launch from the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense launch pad at PMRF, (2) launch from PSCA, and (3) Pacific Broad Ocean Area payload impact downrange of PSCA. They also considered the No Action Alternative, as required by the Council on Environmental Quality regulations. Based on the analysis presented in the Supplemental EA/OEA, the Navy and Army have signed a Finding of No Significant Impact/Finding of No Significant Harm (FONSI/FONSH) for the additional alternative launch locations. The Final Supplemental EA/OEA and signed FONSI/FONSH are available online at and at the following locations:

Waimea Public Library, Waimea, HI
Hanapepe Public Library, Hanapepe, HI
Kodiak Public Library, Kodiak, AK
Z.J. Loussac Public Library, Anchorage, AK
(TGI1448124 3/29/24)