The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001081793-01


Notice is hereby given by Banyan Harbor Time Share Owner’s Association. That it intends to foreclose by way of non-judicial process on the aforesaid Notice of Lien and Suspension of Privileges against the timeshare interest identified below. Said timeshare interest will be sold at public auction to be held at the front entrance of the Fifth Circuit Court Building, 3970 Kahana St, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii at 12:00 noon April 6, 2018. There shall be no open house and the unit shall be sold “as is”. One Hundred (100%) Percent of the purchase price shall be due at the close of auction via either cashier’s check or cash. The timeshare interest is a 1/50th co-tenancy interest in and to Banyan Harbor Condominium Project, Nawiliwili, Kauai, Hawaii, plus the exclusive right to occupy a use period as provided for. Apt No.123 (T2 & U1), Lien dated 3/14/18, Doc No.A66470550. Owned by David Melin. Apt. No 57(P2), Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc no. A66470552. Owned by Marina Bay and Midler Services LLC.. Apt No. 109(X2) Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A66470553. Owned Wilvesta Morgan Jr.Apt No.106 (O2), Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A66460512 Owned by Matthew A Bessey. Apt No.122 (H1), Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No.A66460516 Owned by Cecilia Chipen. Apt No.121 (M1), lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A66460541. Owned by Clarence Alden Clark and June Elizabeth Clark. Apt No 84(Y2), lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A66460545. Owned by Robert E Cousins and Zandra C Cousins. Apt No 139 (X1 & X2), Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A66460547. Owned by Alan F Cunningham and Betty Cunningham. Apt No. 94 (Z2), Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A-54350371. Owned by Earl J Manning and Cheryl Manning. Apt No 122 (E1), Lien dated 3/13/18, Doc No A66470554 Owned by Richard C Schneider and Maryilyn M Schneider.. Contact Person: Patrick Childs Esq.4365 Kukui St. Suite #104, Lihue, Hi 96766 (808) 245-2863. (3/17, 3/24, & 3/31 )
(TGI1081793 3/17, 3/24, 3/31/18)